Our trip to Cars in the Park, Pietermaritzburg.
The day arrived and we all met at the Vryheid Wimpy, the normal meeting place, at 08h00. Sadly though, only three vehicles participated, namely Harry in his Model A Ford, Arthur in his Lincoln Continental and Des in his Mercedes Pontoon. However, prior to Saturday, Dirk and Andre had departed already with prior commitments in Toyota and Rolls vehicles. Unfortnately Terry's Austen A40 was damaged by fire the day before departure.
We were on our way in convoy, approaching Scheepersnek, when the Ford stopped with an electrical problem but was quickly sorted out. We traveled well to Ladysmith where we refuelled. At this stage Terry and Pam caught up in their modern Benz.
We departed from Ladysmith via Colenzo to the N3, travelling well. Just before the Shell Ultra City, the Ford stopped. This time it proved to be a major problem with the water pump housing having broken, damaging the fan and radiator. Harry, as always prepared, had a tow-bar in the car. After coupling to Terry's Benz, we were on our way again. I don't think the Ford has ever travelled that well - let alone speeding up to 80-90ks/hr! At times it looked as though the Model A was trying to pass the Benz!
Lunch was planned at "The Junction", Nottingham Road, and a glass of Red was the order of the day. After lunch we proceeded to Pietermartizburg where Harry's car was parked off to be towed to the show grounds on Sunday. Great interest was shown for both the Lincoln and Model A Ford. Harry's car was loaded onto a trailer and transported back to Vryheid.
Monday morning dawned and we were on our way back home. Dirk and Des travelled in convoy and Arthur went via the N2 back to Pongola.
Again, I believe this is one event not to be missed.
Written and submitted by Des Warde