Hosted by Vryheid Wings Club.
The Vryheid Vintage Car Club was approached to support the Kobus Memorial Fly-in on 21 May. The response was unanimous as Kobus Dicks was well-known in the business fraternity in Vryheid and also amongst many of our club members. Certainly a privilege to be involved and share in this occasion.
Saturday dawned and a beautiful, sunny winter's day was enjoyed and shared by all.
Our club was supported by no less than 20 members with their pride and joy of the vintage, classic cars and motorcycles. The Vryheid Wings Club certainly entertained all the spectators with their magnificient flying machines and great aerobatic manoeuvres and skills! Our thanks to Peter de Wet on his gyro-copter for the many flips around our town of Vryheid as can be seen from the photos. Thanks to Leon and Harvie for submitting their photos.
Thank you Vryheid Wings Club for inviting our club to share in this Memorial Fly-in.
Submitted by Des Lemmon-Warde